Terms of Use
1. Prohibited actions
The following actions are prohibited on this site:
- Actions that violate laws, regulations, and ordinances, or actions that could result in such consequences.
- Criminal actions, actions that could lead to crime, or actions that could result in such consequences.
- Actions that disadvantage or result in damages to third parties or the company, or actions that could result in such consequences.
- Actions that infringe upon property or privacy, actions that could damage the reputation or trust of third parties or the company, or actions that could result in such consequences.
- Actions that violate public order and morals, or actions that could result in such consequences.
- Actions that use or include computer viruses or other harmful programs or data, or actions that could result in such consequences.
- Declarations or notifications that use a false or another party's email address in an attempt to disguise the actual user.
- Other actions that the company deems inappropriate.
2. Recommended browsers
The following browsers and operating systems are recommended for safer, more convenient use of the website. Some computers, smartphone operating systems, and browsers may not function properly with the site.
Windows users (latest version of the following browsers)
Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Google Chrome
macOS users (latest version of the following browsers)
Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome
3. Equipment required to use the service
This website offers a variety of content including animations, videos, and PDFs. The following plug-ins and software are recommended for best use of site content.
The Adobe® Reader® plug-in is available free of charge from Adobe Systems and is required for viewing PDF files.
Version 10 or later is required for viewing on Adobe® Acrobat®.
4. Disclaimer
When posting information to the website, the company checks the content beforehand. However, no guarantees are made as to the accuracy, usefulness, or whether or not the information is current. The company accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any software or hardware problems that directly or indirectly damage a customer's computer, peripherals, network, etc., caused by accessing this website.
The company will determine when to add, change, amend, or delete information on the website without prior notice to the customer. The company offers no guarantees whatsoever regarding the reliable provision of services, information, access, etc.
Note that part of or the entire website may be taken down or the URL may be changed due to server maintenance, site updates, or other unavoidable reasons.
5. Information security policy
An encrypted communication system (SSL) is used for some services and contents in order to maintain security. Note that browsers that do not support SSL will not be able to display such pages. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure its browser is updated to support SSL or enable SSL settings. Security on this website is maintained by encrypting information during transmission, including data that contains personal information. Please see the Site Policy (handling of personal information) for details on how personal information is handled on this website.6. Copyrights and trademarks
Unless otherwise stated, the copyrights to the information included on this website (including documents, materials, images, audio, etc.) belong to the company. At the same time, all information on this site is protected by copyright laws, treaties, and other laws in each country. Users may not use this information (including duplication, modification, uploading, posting, sending, distributing, lending, transferring, selling, publishing, etc.) for personal use or for use that goes beyond the scope of the purposes clearly stated on this site without the prior written consent of the company.When individual content displays individual terms of use, those applicable conditions take priority. The software provided on this site is copyrighted work by the applicable software copyright holder. Please use the software according to the provisions of the license agreement, copyright law, treaties, and other laws presented upon provision of the software.
The company names, product names, and logos are the trademarks or registered trademarks of the company. Other product and company names used on the site are the trade names, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective company and used by company with permission.
7. Linked sites
Content included on this site from third-party websites or linked to third-party websites (hereafter referred to as "linked sites") is managed under the responsibility of the various third parties, and not controlled by company. Please use linked sites according to their terms of use. The company is not responsible for any form of damage incurred by linked site content or usage.
Note that linked sites posted on this website do not indicate that the company endorses or recommends using such sites, the products, services, or companies on the linked sites, or any kind of special relationship between the company and those on the linked sites, including collaborations or cooperative efforts.
8. Information provided by the user
Customers must agree to the following stipulations when sending comments, inquiries, information, proposals, and ideas (hereafter referred to as "comments, etc."):
- The company has no obligation to respond to any comments, etc.
- Comments, etc. will not be treated as confidential information, and company has no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of comments, etc.
- Comments, etc. will not be treated as proprietary information, and company has no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of same.
- The company has no obligation to consider, evaluate, or use comments, etc.
- .If the company uses an idea that is the same or similar in whole or in part to a comment, etc., the company is under no obligation to compensate the person who provided the comment.
9. Personal information handling
The company may ask site users for their personal information.Access logs, etc. are collected within appropriate boundaries in order to provide services on the website. Although users must enter personal information in order to access content, the information and information obtained during website operation will not be used beyond the scope of the purpose of use without the consent of the individual who supplied such personal information.
10. Linking to this site
On the basis that you agree to the following requirements, you can link to this site by providing the URL of the homepage you would like to link and the name and other information of the individual in charge of the homepage.
- The company bears no responsibility whatsoever for any damages incurred by linking to this site.
- Linking to this site does not confer any responsibility or obligation on the company whatsoever. It also does not confer any rights.
- The URL and site information may be changed or discontinued without prior notice. The company will not notify of any changes or discontinuation.
- There will be no reciprocal links.
- Please ensure that third parties understand that the content belongs to the company, and customer must refrain from copying and displaying any company information on customer's or any third party website.
- Please do not use logos without prior written authorization.
- Links from websites and in emails containing the following information are strictly prohibited:
- Illegal or content that otherwise goes against public morals (criminal behavior, illegal behavior, anything that could incite antisocial behavior. Discriminatory remarks, etc.)
- Anything that contains adult content - Anything that contains items that could slander the company or third parties
11. Compensation for damages
If you cause damage to other customers, third parties, or the company by violating the terms of use, you will be liable to compensate all applicable parties for damages.
The company bears no responsibility whatsoever for said damages.
12. Applicable laws and legal jurisdiction
Unless otherwise stated, the use of this site and the interpretation of the terms of use and their application are subject to Japanese law. Unless otherwise stated, the District Court of Japan shall have exclusive jurisdiction of the court of first instance for disputes or litigation related to the use of this site.
Established May 23, 2017Website Policy
KOMORI Corporation (hereafter referred to as the "company") understands the importance of its users' personal information which will be handled with the utmost care in order to protect the personal information provided by our users who visit company's website (hereafter referred to as the "company website".)
When users provide their personal information to company, we ask that you read and understand the following:
1. Requests to provide personal information
In order to provide our users with the best level of service, company may use the company website to request personal information such as the user's name, address, email address, and telephone number when such user sends inquiries or requests materials such as brochures, literature or other company information. In such cases, the company will specify the purpose of use to the best extent possible, disclose the purpose to the user, and obtain the personal information within the necessary scope of use. However, the information will not be used beyond that scope without the consent of the user.
2. Management of personal information
The company takes adequate care when handling the personal information of its users. In addition to preventing unauthorized access, damage, modification, and leakage of personal information, personal information will not be provided to a third party except in the following situations:
- When the company obtains the user's consent
- When an agreement has been agreed to between company and user to ensure that the personal information is not leaked or used by anyone other than to whom the company has authority to entrust it
- When disclosure to third parties is allowed by relevant laws, policies, or guidelines. In such cases, the user will be notified before the personal information is disclosed in order to provide user the opportunity to limit or otherwise quash such request with the party requesting such disclosure.
3. Personal information reference, changes, and deletion
If the user makes a request to reference, change, or delete its personal information in the possession of the company, the request will be handled within a reasonable amount of time after the user's identity has been confirmed. Requests by third parties to compel company to disclose personal information will not be granted unless company is forced to do so based on legal requirements.
4. Purpose and use of personal information
- To provide information about the company's products or services
- To conduct surveys
- To deliver catalogs, brochures, literature or other requested materials
- To respond to inquiries addressed to the company
5. Use of cookies
Cookies are small pieces of data sent by a web server to the user's browser to make internet browsing more efficient and are stored on the user's hard drive. The company uses cookies to increase efficiency when its users revisit the website, to collect information on page history and for marketing purposes. The user may delete or disable cookies using browser settings. However, please note that doing so may make it impossible for users to obtain some of the company's services.
6. Acquisition of access logs
The company's site obtains access logs. Access logs enable the company to obtain statistical website usage information about pages visited by the user, how long the user spends on the page, the location of the user directly prior to accessing company's website, page transition trends, browser, and OS, etc. However, this is not used to obtain personal information.
7. Revision of personal information handling standards
The company continually revises its efforts to protect personal information and makes revisions to the content of its policies in order to make appropriate improvements or to comply with changes to applicable laws when necessary.
For inquiries about the KOMORI Group website policy (personal information handling), please visit the following link.
Social Media Policy
The stance and actions the KOMORI Group takes regarding use of social media are as follows. "Social media" indicates the use of internet technologies that are represented by blogs, Twitter, mixi, Facebook, etc., that are intended for individuals to post information, and used as a means of communication which is open to the general public for viewing.
Understanding characteristics of posted media
Posting information to the internet provides access to the general public, and the company posts information to social media with the understanding that information, once published, cannot be completely deleted. The company understands that posted information can have a substantial impact around the world, and each and every employee pays particular attention to avoiding misunderstandings.
Awareness and responsibility for posting information
The company always remembers to listen to the opinions of all its stakeholders. The company recognizes that we can build a good relationship with our stakeholders via social media and contribute to improving the brand of the KOMORI Group. The company pays particular attention to ensure that posted information does not infringe upon the rights of others, including copyrights and trademarks. When receiving inquires outside an area of expertise, the company will check with the appropriate entity or individual in an effort to prevent inaccurate information from being posted. The company will swiftly correct any incorrect information that has been posted.
Compliance with in-house and external laws, regulations, and rules
The company will use social media in compliance with established laws and regulations, the KOMORI Group corporate behavior charter, as well as rules and regulations established throughout its corporate umbrella, using common sense and acting responsibly at all times.
To website users
The information posted on social media by company employees and related persons does not necessarily reflect official KOMORI Group announcements or opinions. Please take this into consideration. Official announcements are available on the KOMORI Group corporate website and in news releases. Dialog options (whether or not replies are possible) available times and methods of transmission may differ depending on the company account, so please check the KOMORI Group official social media account list for more information. Official social media account
Please visit the following site for inquiries on KOMORI Group social media.